Monday, May 30, 2005

Plants are all moved ready for the renovation. Special thanks to Newtsie, Joanie, Tony D and Leon for moving muscle. Two thrids of the palnts are in their final homes, the other third have been cleared to for the builders.

Thursday, April 28, 2005

Aloe loving new freedom

Aloe. One of the first plants moved and it loves its new home. Hopefully it will enjoy its next move just as much. Such is the way of dynamic plans.

A feast ignored

and still the birds ignore the feast. The fruit has burst open splaying itself for all to feast on and yet no-one is coming to dine.

Monday, April 25, 2005

Wanna buy a plant

all the plants you see are for sale if the price is right.

One garden bed spreads out

One garden bed spreads out over the garden and hidden stones uncovered now dominant.

Undiscovered Fruit

The first bird to discover this friut is in for a feast.

Friday, April 01, 2005

Back garden in transition. All of the plants here and been moved from the other side of the garden. Yes it almost killed me and several friends and family, but it was worth the effort.

Sunday, March 27, 2005

Yucca's autumn flower, the second flower for the year. These flowers glow with Luminescence.

Monday, March 14, 2005

Dracena Draco

Dracena Draco in full flower. I am waiting for the berries to ripen to collect the seed to plant for my draco forest before I move this last remaining plant to its new home front and centre of the new garden.

Got a garden to move?

How do you move a garden like that around your property? It seemed everyone was an expert, but levers, pulleys and strength of many people was the solution. This garden bed has been walked all over the back yard without any fatalities.

The crowd before the move

Aloe Ferox Feast

Aloe ferox provides a feast for the wattle birds.

Strelitzia reborn

The kids and I rescued this bird of paradise from the back of a truck around the road. I gave them $50 and they drove around and delivered this large section right away. Said to be hard to transplant, but digger removal and my tender care had this flowering within months.

Yucca yucca yucca

Inner beauty

Exploring the inner beauty.Morning sun through a pedro flower.

Balance is the word

The Xeroscape garden that surrounds my house balances natives with even more arid resitant plants from the Americas and Africa. Bees don't take the time to check if the plants are from around these parts, they know a good feast when they see it flowering.

What way is your blog organised

Is this the first or last post you are reading at XeroScape Gardening? What way did I organise my posts and what way did you decide to read them. You can see the answer to the first part of the question so why do my posts recede in time, while most diaries move forward in time? Are you reading from first to last or last to first? Knowing the answers to why you and others do things the way they do, no mater how small is an excellent path to follow while seeking constant improvement.

In one week we lost our two big trees. One front, way front, out on the nature strip a Paperbark was partly wounded by the storm, then slain by the council. One back, our borrowed eucalypt, rising high fron our neighbour's property, giving us shade and leading our eye to the sky, when in flower a resting point and feast for bats, was buzzed, shredded and burnt. People were afraid, very afraid of that tree.

This place in the wired world is all about Xeroscape gardening in Melbourne, Australia and where ever else I be.