Is this the first or last post you are reading at XeroScape Gardening? What way did I organise my posts and what way did you decide to read them. You can see the answer to the first part of the question so why do my posts recede in time, while most diaries move forward in time? Are you reading from first to last or last to first? Knowing the answers to why you and others do things the way they do, no mater how small is an excellent path to follow while seeking constant improvement.
In one week we lost our two big trees. One front, way front, out on the nature strip a Paperbark was partly wounded by the storm, then slain by the council. One back, our borrowed eucalypt, rising high fron our neighbour's property, giving us shade and leading our eye to the sky, when in flower a resting point and feast for bats, was buzzed, shredded and burnt. People were afraid, very afraid of that tree.
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Xeroscape gardening in Melbourne, Australia and where ever else I be.